Meeting with Doha Municipality

Beth­le­hem Devel­op­ment Foun­da­tion (BDF) mem­bers vis­it­ed the Doha Munic­i­pal­i­ty to fol­low up on imple­ment­ing the oper­a­tional plan of Mr. Hus­sam & Mrs. Suhair Abu Issa cen­ter for Women and Child, a plan was devel­oped by BDF and the municipality....

Meeting with Head of Orthodox Church in Bethlehem

To dis­cuss to the Nativ­i­ty Church of Beth­le­hem ren­o­va­tions and ways of coop­er­a­tion for future projects, His Emi­nence Met­ro­pol­i­tan Ben­dic­tos, the Patri­ar­chal Vic­ar in Beth­le­hem, and Patron of the Greek Ortho­dox Church met with Dr. Khouloud...

Meeting with Bethlehem Governorate Representatives

Mem­bers of the Beth­le­hem Gov­er­norate make a vis­it to the Beth­le­hem Devel­op­ment Foundation. Dr. Khouloud Daibes met with Mr. Fouad Salem, Mr. Ramzi Salah, and Dr. Louay Zaoul in the Beth­le­hem Devel­op­ment Foundation’s head­quar­ters to get acquaint­ed with...

Arab Hotel Association Visit

The Beth­le­hem Devel­op­ment Foundation’s Exec­u­tive Direc­tor, Dr. Khouloud Daibes, wel­comed the Arab Hotel Asso­ci­a­tion “AHA” rep­re­sent­ed by its pres­i­dent Mr. Elias Al-Arja, its Exec­u­tive Man­ag­er Mrs. Rula Rizk, Mr. George Abu Aita, and Mr. Nabil Abu...

Efficient Street Lighting Project

As part of the Solar-pow­ered Street light­ing project for Beth­le­hem Gov­er­norate, BDF deliv­ered light­ing units to the munic­i­pal­i­ties of Beth­le­hem, Beit Jala and Beit Sahour to be installed in vital streets in the old towns of Beth­le­hem and Beit Jala, and...